Your Docker Image security at a glance
Stay on top of security vulnerabilities in your Docker Images for AWS ECR.
New vulnerabilities are found all the time, docker images are no different. If you don't have a plan to keep patched you are falling behind. We are used to patching laptops and traditional servers, but with docker and immutable images it's a bit different. Docker Dash helps you stay informed and up to date taking the surprise out of docker security.
Get notified when new vulnerabilities you care about are found.
Receive weekly reports on the health of your Docker Images.
See how your continuous improvement of security is tracking for iso security certifications.
Automate your regular security review and save time and money.
Improve the security of your apps and data by keeping your images patched.
Knowing that your data is secure.
No credit card required
New vulnerabilities are found daily, scan results need to be kept fresh and up to date.
Docker Dash gives you a high level overview so you can focus on what matters.
Free during launch period, get in quick 😉
Will this help me get ISO certified?
Yes! as part of your continuous improvement plan. Docker dash makes it easy to
Does Docker Dash need access to my AWS account?
Only with minimal permissions to read your docker image metadata. You can review the role used to provide access.
Does Docker Dash have access to my data?
No, Dash only needs minimal access to metadata about your Docker Images in ECR, not your applications, code or data.
Is Docker Dash Secure
Absolutely! Data security is important to us. We use best practices security measures to ensure your account and data safety. We are compliant with GDPR, CCPA and similar privacy regulations.
Hi, I'm Stephen and I built this website to help teams manage their Docker Security. I've spent a ton of time securing docker images and thought there must be a better way, So I built it!
Im still putting together the final pieces. Let me know what you think here or twitter @hi_stephen_n or you can see more of my work at
I understand, how you manage security risk and your Docker images can get complicated sometimes. If you have any questions or feature requests please get in touch.